Teachers Collaborative @ TeachTasticIEP

Dec 4, 20233 min

Counting Backwards Numbers Through 120: A Comprehensive Lesson Plan

Welcome to TeachTastic Publishing, where we provide valuable teaching resources for educators and parents alike. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to our exceptional product titled "Counting Backwards Numbers Through 120." This resource is designed to help students in Kindergarten and First Grade develop a strong foundation in counting, number recognition, and number sequence comprehension.

Our "Counting Backwards Numbers Through 120" product consists of an eight-worksheet set, offering various learning opportunities for your students. These worksheets are versatile and can be used in different ways:

  1. Guided Practice: The first worksheet serves as a guided practice tool, helping students understand the concept.

  2. Independent or Group Practice: The second worksheet can be used for independent work or in peer-group settings.

  3. Homework: The third worksheet is ideal for homework assignments.

  4. Exit Tickets/Formative Assessments: The fourth and fifth worksheets can be utilized as exit tickets or formative assessments.

  5. Progress Monitoring/Additional Practice/Intervention: The sixth and seventh worksheets support progress monitoring and provide extra practice opportunities.

  6. Summative Assessment: The eighth worksheet serves as a final summative assessment.

Keep in mind that not all worksheets need to be used on the same day, as this lesson may take one day for some students but multiple days for others.

Guided Practice
Let's start with samples for your guided practice:
Problem 1:
State and write the missing number in this sequence:
25, 24, 23, 22, __
First, look for a pattern. Notice how each number is 1 less than the previous number:
25, 24, 23, 22, __
To make the pattern complete, the number 21 must go in the blank space.

Problem 2:
State and write the missing number in this sequence:
50, __, 48, 47, 46
Similarly, identify the pattern of decreasing numbers:
50, 49, 48, 47, 46, __
To complete the sequence, insert the number 45 in the empty space.

Independent or Group Practice
The second worksheet provides students with opportunities for independent or group practice, where they can reinforce their skills in counting backward from 120.
Homework or Additional Practice
Our third worksheet is suitable for homework assignments or additional practice to ensure students master the concept thoroughly.

Exit Ticket/Formative Assessment
Worksheets four and five can be employed as exit tickets or formative assessments to gauge your students' understanding of counting backward numbers through 120.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to count backward within 120, starting at any number less than 120. They will also be capable of reading and writing numerals and representing a number of objects with a written numeral, aligning with the learning standard: 1.NBT.A.1 Count to 120.

Counting backwards through 120 Lesson Plan

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of counting backward.

  • State the learning objective: "Today, we will learn to count backward from various starting points within the range of 120."

Guided Practice (15 minutes):

  • Use the first guided practice worksheet as a whole-class activity.

  • Demonstrate how to identify and complete missing numbers in a sequence.

Independent or Group Practice (20 minutes):

  • Distribute the second worksheet for independent or group practice.

  • Encourage students to work individually or in pairs to complete the exercises.

Homework Assignment (5 minutes):

  • Assign the third worksheet as homework, ensuring students have a clear understanding of their task.

Exit Tickets/Formative Assessment (10 minutes):

  • Use worksheets four and five as exit tickets or formative assessments to evaluate students' comprehension.

Progress Monitoring and Additional Practice (if needed):

  • Provide students with the sixth and seventh worksheets for extra practice or intervention for those who may need it.

Final Summative Assessment (10 minutes):

  • Conclude the lesson by administering the eighth worksheet as a summative assessment to assess overall understanding.

Additional Promotions
Our "Counting Backwards Numbers Through 120" resource can also be paired with various learning center activities and classroom games for added student engagement and learning opportunities.

If you're interested in more educational resources, consider exploring our other products, such as the "40 Kindergarten Pre-Primer Sight Word Workbook," "52 Kindergarten Primer Sight Word Workbook," and "Sight Word Memory Matching Games."

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Don't forget to stay connected with TeachTastic Publishing for more valuable resources and updates:

  • Visit our blog at TeachTasticiep.com/blog

  • Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/teachtasticiep.

  • Join our Instagram community at https://www.instagram.com/teachtasticiep/.

Thank you for choosing TeachTastic Publishing as your trusted source for educational materials. We look forward to supporting your teaching journey!
