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Learning Standard
L.4.2.d: Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
Target IEP Goal
By (date), when given exercises with subject-verb agreement, the student will maintain subject-verb agreement with compound subjects, improving conventions skills from 0/10 work samples out of ten consecutive trials to 8/10 work samples in ten consecutive trials.
Teach Tastic IEP goals written to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, and Time-Bound.
IEP Goal Objectives
Ensure Correct Subject-verb Agreement
By (date), when given exercises with subject-verb agreement, the student will ensure correct subject-verb agreement, improving conventions skills from 0/10 work samples out of ten consecutive trials to 8/10 work samples in ten consecutive trials.
Confirm Subject Singular or Plural Status
By (date), when given exercises with subject-verb agreement, the student will confirm subject singular or plural status, improving conventions skills from 0/10 work samples out of ten consecutive trials to 8/10 work samples in ten consecutive trials.
Verify Singular or Plural Status of a Noun
By (date), when given exercises with nouns, the student will verify singular or plural status of a noun, improving conventions skills from 0/10 work samples out of ten consecutive trials to 8/10 work samples in ten consecutive trials.
Determine If the Noun Is Singular or Plural
By (date), when given exercises with nouns, the student will determine if the noun is singular or plural, improving conventions skills from 0/10 work samples out of ten consecutive trials to 8/10 work samples in ten consecutive trials.