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Lesson Plan

Subtraction - Subtract on Number lines to 20

First (1) - Math

Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


  • Students will be able to use number lines to solve subtraction sentences.
  • Students will be able to subtract numbers up to 20 using number lines.
  • Students will be able to identify the difference between two numbers when given a subtraction sentence.
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  • Students will be able to identify numbers on a number line.
  • Students will be able to use a number line to add numbers to 20.
  • Students will be able to solve addition problems involving numbers up to 20 using a number line.


  • Students will be able to use the subtraction strategy of counting back on a number line to solve subtraction sentences with 20.
  • Students will be able to identify the correct direction to count back on a number line.
  • Students will be able to solve subtraction problems involving numbers up to 20.


45-55 minutes


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Number line posters or printed worksheets
  • Subtraction worksheet pack
  • Counters or manipulatives (optional)


  • Subtract
  • Minus
  • Difference
  • Number line
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

Boost your first-graders' subtraction skills with our worksheet pack! Includes problems up to 20, using number lines as a strategy. Perfect for homework or extra practice!


Included printable worksheets

  • Guided Practice
  • Independent Practice
  • Homework
  • Exit Ticket I
  • Exit Ticket II
  • Progress Monitoring I
  • Progress Monitoring II
  • Assessment


Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the concept of subtraction and its symbol, the minus sign (-).
  2. Display a number line poster and explain to students that they will be using number lines to help them solve subtraction problems.
  3. Show an example of a subtraction problem on the board, such as 10 - 3, and ask students if they know how to solve it.
  4. Explain that they can use the number line to help them find the difference between the two numbers.


  1. Demonstrate to the students how to use a number line to solve a subtraction problem. Begin with the same example as before, 10 - 3.
  2. Show how to start at 10 on the number line and count back 3 spaces to find the difference, which is 7.
  3. Write the subtraction sentence 10 - 3 = 7 on the board.
  4. Provide additional examples and have students practice using number lines to solve subtraction problems.


  1. Provide students with a subtraction worksheet containing problems that use numbers up to 20.
  2. Work through the problems together as a class, demonstrating how to use the number line to solve each problem.
  3. Encourage students to write the subtraction sentences for each problem on their worksheet.


    1. Provide students with another subtraction worksheet to complete independently.
    2. Encourage students to use the number line to help them solve the problems.
    3. Circulate around the room to provide individual support and guidance as needed.
    4. For students who need extra support, provide them with counters or manipulatives to help them count back on the number line.


      1. Assign a set of subtraction problems for homework that use numbers up to 20.
      2. Encourage students to use the number line to help them solve the problems.


        1. To assess students' understanding of using number lines to solve subtraction problems, provide each student with an exit ticket that contains four subtraction sentences and four corresponding blank number lines.
        2. Instruct students to solve each subtraction sentence and draw a corresponding model on the number line provided.
        3. Collect the exit tickets to quickly assess students' understanding of the concept and identify any areas that may require further instruction or support.


          1. To assess students' understanding of using number lines to solve subtraction problems, provide each student with an assessment sheet that contains several subtraction sentences and blank number lines.
          2. Instruct students to solve each subtraction sentence and draw a corresponding model on the number line provided.
          3. Collect the assessment sheets to evaluate students' understanding of the concept and identify any areas that may require further instruction or support.


            1. Recap with the class what they learned in the lesson about using number lines to solve subtraction problems.
            2. Encourage students to reflect on how they can apply this strategy in future math lessons and in everyday situations.


              1. For students who have mastered subtracting numbers up to 20 using number lines, provide them with more challenging subtraction problems that involve regrouping or borrowing.
              2. Students can practice subtracting three or more numbers using number lines.
              3. Students can create their own subtraction problems using number lines and exchange with a partner to solve.


              1. For students who struggle with fine motor skills or have difficulty manipulating the number line, provide them with larger or easier-to-grasp manipulatives, such as a jumbo number line or a tactile number line.
              2. For students who need extra support, provide them with additional practice problems and one-on-one guidance during independent practice.
              3. For students who need additional reinforcement, provide them with visual aids, such as posters or anchor charts, that illustrate how to use the number line to solve subtraction problems.


              No Video Available

              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic

              TEACHING TIPS

              • Encourage students to draw pictures or use manipulatives to help them visualize the subtraction problem on the number line.
              • Remind students to start at the larger number and count back to the smaller number to find the difference.
              • Provide additional practice problems for students who need extra support or challenge.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              • Students may think that they have to start at zero on the number line for every problem.
              • Students may forget to count backwards when using the number line to solve subtraction problems.
              • Students may have difficulty identifying the difference between the two numbers in the subtraction sentence.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              Common Core Standard:

              1.OA.C.5 - Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2).

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