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Lesson Plan

Addition up to 5 - Drawing Addition Models to 5

Kindergarten (K) - Math

Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


  • Students will be able to represent addition with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, or equations.
  • Students will be able to use unifix cubes to create sets of up to 5 and add two sets together to make a total of up to 5.
  • Students will be able to write number sentences to represent their addition models.
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic







  • Introduction (5 minutes)
  • Instruction (15 minutes)
  • Guided Practice (15 minutes)
  • Independent Practice (15 minutes)
  • Exit Card Formative Assessment (5 minutes)
  • Closure (5 minutes)


  • Unifix cubes (at least 50)
  • Container to hold the unifix cubes
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Exit card sheets
  • Homework sheet


  • Unifix cubes
  • Set
  • Count
  • Add
  • Plus
  • Total
  • Number sentence
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



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Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Begin by asking students if they know what addition means. Define addition as putting things together to make a bigger group.
  2. Ask students if they have ever used their fingers to add before. Encourage them to share examples.
  3. Introduce the idea of using objects to add by showing them a container of unifix cubes. Explain that we can use these cubes to help us add.


  1. Demonstrate how to use unifix cubes to create sets of up to 5. For example, create a set of 3 cubes and a set of 2 cubes.
  2. Show how to add the two sets together by counting all the cubes to find the total. Encourage students to count along with you.
  3. Model how to write a number sentence to represent the addition problem. For example, 3 + 2 = 5.
  4. Have students practice creating their own sets of up to 5 and adding them together. Walk around the room to provide support as needed.


  1. Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a container of unifix cubes.
  2. Instruct the students to work together to make sets of up to 5 and add two sets together to make a total of up to 5.
  3. Circulate around the room to provide support and guidance as needed.


    1. Instruct students to work independently to create their own sets of unifix cubes and add them together to make a total of up to 5.
    2. Monitor students' progress and provide support as needed.


      1. Assign students to practice adding sets of up to 5 using the provided homework sheet.
      2. Encourage students to discuss their challenges and understanding with parents.


        1. Provide each student with an exit card sheet or a whiteboard and marker.
        2. Instruct students to write a number sentence that represents adding two sets of unifix cubes together to make a total of up to 5.
        3. Collect the exit cards to assess students' understanding.


          1. Formative assessments will be conducted during the lesson to monitor students' understanding of addition with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, or equations.
          2. The exit ticket and progress monitoring assessments will be used to determine students' mastery of adding sets of up to 5 and writing number sentences to represent their addition models.


            1. Review the concept of addition and how we can use unifix cubes to help us add.
            2. Ask students to share one thing they learned during the lesson about adding with unifix cubes. Allow a few students to share their responses.

              Then, summarize the lesson's key points by asking the students to help you make a list of what they learned. Write these on the board or a chart paper. For example:

              • We can use unifix cubes to help us add.
              • We can make sets of up to 5 and add them together.
              • We can write number sentences to represent our addition models.

              Finally, please encourage students to continue practicing their addition skills at home using unifix cubes or other objects. Remind them that practice makes perfect and that they will continue to improve at adding the more they do it.




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              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic

              TEACHING TIPS

              1. Connect addition to everyday situations and experiences to make it more meaningful and relatable for students.
              2. Foster a collaborative learning environment by promoting teamwork and peer support during independent practice.
              3. Utilize various visual aids, such as manipulatives, pictures, and videos, to help students visualize and understand addition concepts.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              1. Students may struggle with the concept of "adding" and what it means to combine two groups of objects.
              2. Some students may find it difficult to create sets of up to 5 and may need extra practice counting.
              3. Students may initially struggle with writing number sentences to represent their addition models. Encourage them to use the plus sign and equal sign to make it easier.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              Common Core Standard:

              K.OA.A.1 Part 1 - Represent addition with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.

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