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Lesson Plan

Short e - Completing Short e words

Kindergarten (K) - ELA

Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


  • Students will be able to recognize and substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words.
  • Students will be able to create new words by substituting or adding phonemes in short e-words.
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic







  • Introduction (5 minutes)
  • Instruction (15 minutes)
  • Guided Practice (15 minutes)
  • Independent Practice (15 minutes)
  • Exit Card Formative Assessment (5 minutes)
  • Closure (5 minutes)


  • Letter cards or tiles (at least 50)
  • Container to hold the letter cards or tiles
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Picture cards of short e-words (e.g., pet, net, bed)


  • Phoneme
  • Substitute
  • Add Rhyme
  • Short e-words
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



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Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Show the students picture cards of short e-words (e.g., pet, net, bed) and ask them to identify the common vowel sound in these words.
  2. Explain that they will be working with short e-words and learning how to change the sounds in these words to create new words.


  1. Write the word "pet" on the whiteboard.
  2. Show students how to substitute the initial phoneme (/p/) with another phoneme (/w/) to create a new word (wet). Explain that they can change the sounds in a word to make new words.
  3. Repeat the process with other short e-words and different phonemes.


  1. Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with a container of letter cards or tiles.
  2. Instruct the students to work together to create new words by substituting or adding phonemes to given short e-words (e.g., pet, net, bed).
  3. Circulate around the room to provide support and guidance as needed.


    1. Instruct students to work independently to create new words by substituting or adding phonemes to given short e-words.
    2. Monitor students' progress and provide support as needed.


      1. Assign students to practice creating new words by substituting or adding phonemes to short e-words at home.
      2. Encourage students to bring their new words to share with the class during the next lesson.


        1. Provide each student with a whiteboard and marker.
        2. Instruct students to write a new word they created by substituting or adding a phoneme to a given short e-word.


          1. Formative assessments will be conducted during the lesson to monitor student progress and understanding.
          2. The exit card and progress monitoring assessments will be used to determine students' mastery of the objective.


            1. Review the concept of substituting and adding phonemes to create new words.
            2. Ask students to share one new word they created during the lesson.


              1. Students can practice phoneme substitution and addition with other vowel sounds (e.g., short a-words, short i-words).
              2. Students can practice blending phonemes to create new words.


              1. For students who struggle with letter recognition, provide additional support and practice with letter identification.
              2. For students who need extra support, provide them with a visual aid or a list of short e-words as examples to help them understand the concept of adding or substituting consonants.


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              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic

              TEACHING TIPS

              As an extension activity to reinforce the concept of adding or substituting phonemes in short e-words, incorporate "Phoneme Frenzy - The Exciting Short E-Word Switcheroo Challenge!" into your lesson plan. This engaging and interactive game not only provides students with a fun way to practice their new skills, but also encourages teamwork and quick thinking. It can be easily adapted to accommodate different skill levels and can be used to review or introduce other short vowel word families as well.

              • Use visual aids: Display examples of short e-words and word families on the board or posters to help students visualize the process of adding or substituting consonants in the words.
              • Model the process: Demonstrate how to create new words by adding or substituting consonants in short e-words. Walk students through the process step by step before they practice independently.
              • Encourage creativity: Allow students to experiment with various consonant combinations in the word families, promoting a sense of discovery and boosting confidence in their word-building abilities.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              • Mixing up short vowel sounds: Some students may confuse the short e-sound with other short vowel sounds, resulting in words that do not fit the target word families. Emphasize the short e-sound and provide examples to help students differentiate it from other vowel sounds.
              • Difficulty with consonant substitution: Students may struggle with the concept of substituting consonants to create new words. Break down the process into smaller steps and provide guidance as needed.
              • Identifying word families: Some students may have difficulty recognizing the common ending patterns in short e-word families. Reinforce the concept by providing ample examples and practice opportunities.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              Common Core Standard:

              RF.K.3.B - Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.

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