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Lesson Plan

Counting up to 3 - Number Recognition to 3

Kindergarten (K) - Math

Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


  • Students will be able to identify numbers 1 to 3 by sight.
  • Students will be able to count objects up to 3 and match them to the corresponding 
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  • Students will be able to count and identify numbers 1-3.
  • Students will be able to represent numbers 1-3 with objects.
  • Students will be able to place objects in a line from left to right to represent counting.


Counting up to 3 - Count in a Ten Frame


  • Introduction (5 minutes)
  • Instruction (15 minutes)
  • Guided Practice (15 minutes)
  • Independent Practice (15 minutes)
  • Exit Card Formative Assessment (5 minutes)
  • Closure (5 minutes)


  • Flashcards with numbers 1 to 3
  • Counting objects such as blocks, buttons or beads
  • Number chart (optional)


  • Numbers 1 to 3
  • Count
  • Match
  • Identify
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



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Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Show the students the flashcards with numbers 1 to 3 and ask if they know what they are.
  2. Explain that numbers are symbols we use to represent quantities.
  3. Hold up each card one by one and ask the students to repeat the number after you.


  1. Show the students three counting objects and explain that you will be counting them together.
  2. Count each object out loud as you place it on the table.
  3. Ask the students to count along with you.
  4. Repeat this a few times, using different sets of objects each time.


  1. Divide the students into pairs and provide each pair with a set of counting objects.
  2. Give each student a flashcard with a number on it.
  3. Instruct the students to count out the corresponding number of objects and match them to the number on the card.
  4. Circulate around the room to provide support and guidance as needed.


    1. Provide each student with their own set of counting objects and a number chart (optional).
    2. Instruct them to count out each set of objects and match them to the corresponding number on the chart.
    3. Encourage students to repeat the activity until they feel comfortable identifying numbers 1 to 3.


      1. Assign students to find objects at home and count them out, then match them to the corresponding number.
      2. Encourage students to bring their objects to share with the class during the next lesson.


        1. Provide each student with a flashcard with a number on it.
        2. Instruct students to write the corresponding number of dots or tally marks on a whiteboard or piece of paper.


          1. Formative assessments will be conducted during the lesson to monitor student progress and understanding.
          2. The exit card and progress monitoring assessments will be used to determine students' mastery of the objective.


            1. Review the concept of identifying numbers 1 to 3 and matching them to sets of objects.
            2. Ask students to share one thing they learned during the lesson.


              • Students can practice identifying numbers up to 5, 10 or higher.
              • Students can practice counting objects and matching them to numbers without using a chart.
              • For students who are more advanced, they can be challenged to identify numbers out of order or to complete more complex counting tasks.


              • For students who struggle with identifying numbers by sight, larger and more colorful flashcards can be used.
              • For students who need extra support, a number chart or manipulatives such as blocks or beads can be provided to help them understand the concept of counting and matching numbers to sets of objects.


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              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic

              TEACHING TIPS

              Use the "Number Match-Up" game as an extension activity for students who have already mastered identifying numbers 1 to 3 and matching them to sets of objects. To make the game more challenging, increase the number of objects or use larger numbers. Additionally, you can challenge students to complete the game in a shorter amount of time or add more rules, such as having to match the objects by color or shape. This extension activity will provide an opportunity for students to reinforce their skills in a fun and engaging way while also encouraging them to work collaboratively and think critically.


              • Use a variety of manipulatives and visual aids, such as counting objects and number charts, to help students connect numbers to quantities.
              • Incorporate games and hands-on activities, such as counting races or scavenger hunts, to make learning numbers more engaging and fun.
              • Provide opportunities for students to practice identifying and matching numbers independently, but also offer support and guidance as needed.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              • Confusing numbers with letters or other symbols.
              • Thinking that the order of the numbers determines their value (e.g. that 2 comes before 3 because it is "less").
              • Believing that counting objects involves simply memorizing the numbers, rather than understanding the concept of matching numbers to sets of objects.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              Common Core Standard:

              K.CC.A.3 - Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

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