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Lesson Plan

Time - Telling Time to 5 minutes - Read and Write

Second (2) - Math

Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


  • Students will be able to read and interpret time on analog clocks at five-minute intervals.
  • Students will be able to write the time that the clock displays at five-minute intervals.
  • Students will be able to explain their thought processes when reading and writing time on an analog clock.
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  • Students will be able to read time on analog and digital clocks to five-minute intervals.
  • Students will be able to match analog and digital clocks with the same time.


  • Students will be able to read and interpret time on analog and digital clocks.
  • Students will be able to solve time-related word problems.
  • Students will be able to identify if the time is AM or PM.
  • Students will be able to explain their thought processes when solving time-related word problems.
  • Students will be able to differentiate between AM and PM.


45 minutes


  • Analog clock displays
  • Clock face templates with movable hands
  • Worksheets with clock faces and digital time displays


  • Analog clock
  • Hour hand
  • Minute hand
  • Five-minute interval
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

Welcome to the "Teach N Go: Analog Clock Reading Center"! This learning module is designed to help students improve their time-telling skills, particularly with analog clocks. Using interactive 4x6 task cards, students will be challenged to read and write times in five-minute increments.


Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources



Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Touch Counting Math Center| TeachTastic IEP Teaching Resources

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Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Begin by explaining to the students that being able to read and write time using an analog clock is an important skill in everyday life.
  2. Show examples of analog clocks, such as a clock with traditional hour and minute hands.
  3. Highlight the difference between the hour and minute hands and explain that the minute hand moves in five-minute intervals around the clock face.


  1. Demonstrate how to read and interpret time using an analog clock at five-minute intervals.
  2. Show examples of different times on an analog clock and ask students to identify the time.
  3. Demonstrate how to write the time that an analog clock displays at five-minute intervals.
  4. Show examples of different times on an analog clock and ask students to write the corresponding time.


  1. Distribute clock face templates with movable hands.
  2. Ask students to set their clocks to various times at five-minute intervals as you say them out loud.
  3. Have students write the corresponding time for each clock on a sheet of paper.


    1. Distribute a worksheet with different times shown on an analog clock.
    2. Have students write the correct time for each clock at five-minute intervals.
    3. Provide individual support and guidance as needed.
    4. At this stage, students may need reminders on how to read the clocks, so allowing paired work may be an appropriate scaffolding method.


      1. Assign students to practice reading and writing time using analog clocks at home and record it in their journals.
      2. Encourage them to use five-minute intervals to reinforce their learning.


        1. Provide each student with an exit card that contains several analog clock times at five-minute intervals.
        2. Instruct students to write the corresponding time for each clock.
        3. Collect the exit cards to quickly assess students' understanding of the concept.


          1. Provide each student with an assessment sheet that contains several analog clock times at five-minute intervals.
          2. Instruct students to write the corresponding time for each clock and explain their thought process.
          3. Collect the assessment sheets to evaluate students' understanding of the concept.
          4. This skill mastery is level is measured by 8/10 questions.


            1. Review the main concepts covered in the lesson, such as the hour and minute hand and reading time at five-minute intervals.
            2. Emphasize the importance of being able to read and write time using an analog clock at five-minute intervals.
            3. Encourage students to share their thoughts about the lesson and any challenges they faced.


              1. Provide students with time-related word problems involving five-minute intervals and ask them to solve these problems using analog clocks.
              2. In pairs, have students create their own time-related word problems that involve specific times and durations and then exchange them with their partner to solve.
              3. Using analog clocks, introduce the concept of elapsed time by having students calculate the duration of events or activities, such as a basketball game or a birthday party. Then, have them practice finding the difference between two times to determine the elapsed time.


              1. For students who struggle with fine motor skills, provide larger clock face templates and clock hands for them to use during guided and independent practice.
              2. For students needing extra support, provide additional practice problems that gradually increase in difficulty to help build their skills. Offer one-on-one guidance during independent practice to address individual needs.
              3. For visual learners, utilize visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help them understand the concepts. Provide visual examples of time-related word problems to support their learning.


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              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic

              TEACHING TIPS

              • Use real-life examples of telling time.
              • Provide plenty of hands-on practice with analog clocks.
              • Reinforce the concept of 5-minute intervals throughout the lesson.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              • Thinking that the hour hand shows the minutes.
              • Misunderstanding the difference between digital and analog clocks.
              • Struggling to count by 5s to determine the minutes.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              Common Core Standard:

              2.MD.C.7 - Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

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