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Lesson Plan

Place values - Digit Value - Matching

Third (3) - Math

Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


  • Students will be able to identify the place value of a digit in a given number.
  • Students will be able to determine the value of a digit based on its place value in a given number.
  • Students will be able to apply their understanding of place value to solve problems.
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Students will be able to identify the place value of digits in a number up to the thousands using base ten blocks.
  2. Students will be able to determine the number represented by a given base ten block model up to the thousands.
  3. Students will be able to compare and order numbers up to the thousands using base ten block models.


  • Students will be able to read and identify the place value of each digit in a number up to the thousands place.
  • Students will be able to write the value of each digit in words for numbers up to the thousands place.
  • Students will be able to apply their understanding of place value to solve problems involving numbers up to the thousands place.


45 minutes


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Number chart or place value chart
  • Pencils and paper
  • Place value worksheets


  • Digit
  • Place value
  • Ones
  • Tens
  • Hundreds
  • Thousands
Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



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Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic



  1. Begin by asking students to recall what they know about place value.
  2. Ask students to identify the place value of a digit in a given number, such as the number 425.
  3. Display the place value chart and review the value of each place.
  4. Explain to students that they will be learning how to determine the value of each digit in a given number.


  1. Write a three-digit number on the board, such as 382.
  2. Use the place value chart to guide the instruction, explaining to students that the digit 3 is in the hundreds place, the digit 8 is in the tens place, and the digit 2 is in the ones place.
  3. Write the expanded form of the number, which shows the value of each digit based on its place, on the board: 300 + 80 + 2 = 382.
  4. Demonstrate how to determine the value of each digit by asking students to identify the value of the digit in each place (i.e., the digit 3 is worth 300, the digit 8 is worth 80, and the digit 2 is worth 2).
  5. Provide additional examples and have students practice determining the value of each digit in a given number.


  1. Hand out index cards with random three-digit numbers written on them to each student.
  2. Ask students to determine the value of each digit in the number on their index card and write the expanded form of the number on their whiteboard.
  3. Walk around the room to provide support and guidance as needed.
  4. After a designated amount of time, bring the class back together to review the answers and discuss any questions or challenges that came up during the guided practice.


    1. Provide students with a worksheet containing practice problems.
    2. Instruct students to determine the value of each digit in the numbers provided.
    3. Circulate around the room to provide individual support and guidance as needed.
    4. After a designated amount of time, review the answers as a class using the answer key.


      1. Assign students additional practice problems to complete at home.
      2. Encourage students to use the place value chart and expanded form to help them determine the value of each digit in the numbers provided.


        1. To assess students' understanding of determining place values, provide each student with an exit ticket that contains three numbers.
        2. Instruct students to determine the value of each digit in the numbers provided and write the expanded form of each number.
        3. Collect the exit tickets to quickly assess students' understanding of the concept and identify any areas that may require further instruction or support.


          1. To assess students' understanding of determining place values, provide each student with an assessment sheet that contains several numbers.
          2. Instruct students to determine the value of each digit in the numbers provided and write the expanded form of each number.
          3. Collect the assessment sheets to evaluate students' understanding of the concept and identify any areas that may require further instruction or support.


            1. Recap with the class what they learned in the lesson about determining place values.
            2. Encourage students to reflect on how they can apply this skill in future math lessons and in everyday situations.
            3. Provide positive reinforcement to the class for their hard work and progress throughout the lesson.


              1. For students who have mastered determining place values, provide them with more challenging numbers to work with, such as four- or five-digit numbers.
              2. Students can practice writing numbers in expanded form and identifying the value of each digit in the number.
              3. Students can create their own numbers and exchange with a partner to determine the value of each digit.


              1. For students who struggle with identifying the place value of a digit, provide them with additional practice problems and one-on-one guidance during independent practice.
              2. For students who have difficulty writing the expanded form of a number, provide them with a template or model to follow.
              3. For students who need additional reinforcement, provide them with visual aids, such as posters or anchor charts, that illustrate the concept of place value and the value of each digit in a number.


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              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic

              TEACHING TIPS

              • Use concrete examples and manipulatives to help students understand the concept of place value.
              • Provide opportunities for students to explain their thinking and reasoning to deepen their understanding.
              • Emphasize the importance of the position of a digit in a number and how it affects its value.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              • Students may believe that the value of a digit is always the same, regardless of its position in the number.
              • Students may confuse the terms "place value" and "value" and use them interchangeably.
              • Students may struggle with identifying the place value of a digit in a number with zeros in it, such as 204 or 302.
              Special Education Teaching Resources and IEP Goal Bank | TeachTastic


              Common Core Standard:

              3.NBT.A.1 - Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

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