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10 Ways to Build a Positive Relationship With Your Students

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

As a teacher, building positive relationships with your students is important. This will help them learn and grow in a healthy environment. This is especially important in middle school when students are experiencing many changes.

Here are 10 ways to build positive relationships with your students:

Get to know them on a personal level. Ask them about their interests, families, and hobbies. Show that you care about them as individuals.

  • What are your favorite books, movies, or TV shows?

  • Do you have any hobbies or activities you enjoy outside of school?

  • Who is your favorite musician or band?

  • What country would you like to visit the most and why?

  • What is something interesting about your family that most people don't know?

Respect them as people. This includes listening to and valuing their opinions, even if you don't always agree with them.

5 things you can say to show a student that you respect them as a person

  • I'm glad you're here.

  • "Thank you for your opinion.

  • "I can see why you feel that way.

  • "I understand where you're coming from.

  • " I appreciate your input."

5 things you can say to show a student that you are listening

  • "That sounds like a tough assignment."

  • "I'm sorry you're feeling that way."

  • "You seem frustrated."

  • "What do you think would help you with this problem?"

  • "It's great that you're trying your hardest."

5 things you can say to show a student that you value their opinion

  • Why did you choose that answer?

  • What is your reasoning behind that choice?

  • What would you have done differently?

  • How do you think someone else might have answered the question?

  • Do you have any other thoughts on the subject?

Create a positive classroom environment. This means having a well-organized and inviting space where students feel comfortable and safe.

5 things you can do to create a positive learning environment in your classroom

Some things that teachers can do to create a positive environment in their classroom include:

  • Establish rules and limits early on and enforce them consistently. This will help students feel safe and know what to expect in your class.

  • Be positive and encouraging in your interactions with students. Build them up, even when they make mistakes.

  • Get to know your students as individuals and show interest in their lives outside of school. This will help them feel valued and respected.

  • Take time to listen to students and allow them to share their thoughts and feelings. This will help create a supportive environment where they feel comfortable speaking up.

  • Model respectful behavior and be aware of the language you use around students. This will set the tone for how students should also treat each other.

Be consistent and realistic with your expectations and rules. Students need to know what is expected of them, and they need to be able to rely on you to follow through.

5 things to think about when establishing classroom rules

  • Ensure your expectations are clear and you communicate them to your students.

  • Be consistent in enforcing rules and consequences.

  • Don't make promises you can't keep or follow through on threats you don't intend to follow through with.

  • Avoid making empty threats or ultimatums.

  • Be reasonable in your expectations and give students grace when they make mistakes.

Encourage positive behavior. When students do something well, let them know! This will help them feel good about themselves and make good choices.

Some things you can do to encourage positive behavior in your students include:

  • Praise them when they do something well.

  • Give them specific and sincere compliments.

  • Make a point to notice their good behavior and call it out in front of their peers.

  • Reward them with positive reinforcement, such as privileges or special activities.

  • Avoid using negative language or criticism.

Encourage students to be respectful of each other. This means teaching them how to disagree respectfully and positively resolve conflict.

Some things you can do to encourage respect in your students include:

  • Lead by example and be respectful to yourself.

  • Teach them active listening skills and how to communicate effectively.

  • Encourage them to see things from other people's perspectives.

  • Help them to understand and respect different points of view.

  • Role-play with them to show them how to resolve conflict positively.

Encourage students to be independent thinkers. This means teaching them how to question assumptions, think critically, and find their own answers.

Some things you can do to encourage independent thinking in your students to include:

  • Encourage them to ask questions and think critically about what they're learning.

  • Give them opportunities to explore their interests and find their own answers.

  • Teach them how to research and evaluate information.

  • Encourage them to form their own opinions and stand up for what they believe in.

Encourage students to be accepting of others. This means teaching them about diversity, inclusion, and respect for others.

Be patient with them. They are still learning, and they will make mistakes. It's important to remember that everyone learns at different rates.

Provide feedback that is constructive and positive. This will help students to understand what they are doing well and where they need to improve.

Encourage effort, not just results. It's important that students know that you value their hard work, even if they don't always get the perfect score.

Make yourself available to them. Tell them you are there for them if they need help or want to talk.

Finally, don't forget to have fun! Teaching can be challenging, but it should also be enjoyable. If you're not enjoying it, your students probably aren't either.

Do you have any other tips for building positive relationships with students? Share them in the comments below!

Thank you for reading! We hope our tips will help you build positive relationships with your teenage students. Remember to be patient, positive, and consistent in your approach, and always encourage them to think critically and respectfully of others. If you have any additional tips or advice, please share them in the comments below!


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