Special Education micro math lesson teaching students to identify expressions for an array.
Based on IEP goal - By (date), when given problems with multiplication, the student will interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each, improving operations and algebraic thinking skills from 0/10 work samples out of ten consecutive trials to 8/10 work samples in ten consecutive trials. 3.OA.A.1
Lesson Objective
Students will be able to understand and solve multiplication equations using array models as they relate to the basic concepts of multiplication.
Guiding Question
How might an array be a faster method to solving multiplication problems?
Tools and Materials
36 math counter per student (this will accommodate an array up to 6x6 in size)
Additional counter for exploration during independent work time
Academic Vocabulary
Array, Product
Prerequisite Skills
Skip counting, Counting equal groups, Repeated addition
Read your students the follow word problem sample
Jacob wants to buy 6 movie tickets that cost $5 each. How much money will Jacob need to purchase the movie tickets?
Show what you know:
Let the students brainstorm ideas based on previous knowledge of multiplication especially as it relates to the concept of repeated addition. 5+5+5+5+5+5 (table partners or groups 2-3 three minutes)
Do not be afraid to wait the full time even if there is silence and it feels like an eternity. Give them time for productive struggle of thought, stamina is not a bad thing to build. Extend if conversation is adding to group knowledge base.
Teacher Modeling
Build an array model matching the word problems sample.
Count out six rows of five counters per row.
Explain that in an array, objects are in rows and columns.
There are six rows.
Rows go side to side.
There are five counters in each row.
There are five columns.
Columns go up and down.
There are six counters in each column.
Ask: How do you think you might read this array?
The expression that describes the array is:
6 × 5 = 30
Number of rows x Number of dots in each row = The product
If the six represent to number of movie tickets Jacob wants to buy and the 5 represent the cost of each ticket. How much money will Jacob need? $30
Guided Practice and Independent Work Time
Challenge student to create their own models based on multiplication flash cards or teacher provided sample problems. Then reverse the challenge by giving array samples where the student have the opportunity to write an expression to describe the array.
It may be useful to provide 3 multiple choice options to choose the correct expression that described the array as an intermediate step.
Math IEP Goal Objective Workbook Including
40 daily fluency assignments
8 student self-monitoring progress sheets with weekly goal setting
2 baseline assessments
8 formative assessments
1 present level of performance data tracking sheet (Perfect for progress reporting and IEP meetings)
Teacher answer keys
Other IEP goal based products you might like
If teachers are looking for additional IEP goals to support their students with 3rd grade math, our goal bank has plenty of options. Just some of the goals our goal bank offers include: developing an understanding of place value, addition and subtraction with regrouping, understanding multiplication and division facts, and mastering basic fractions. No matter what areas your students need help in, we have you covered. Our goals are aligned with the Common Core standards, so you can be confident that your students are receiving the best possible education. Contact us today to learn more about our services. We would be happy to help you develop custom goals that meet the unique needs of your students.